[The interest rates are indicative rates only. The actual interest rate may differ on the date of transaction]
Data Time114 年 01 月 24 日
Currency Loan interest rate
USD USD(OB) 8.20 
USD USD(IB) 8.20 
JPY JPY 3.40 
HKD HKD 8.20 
GBP GBP 8.80 
CHF CHF 4.90 
AUD AUD 7.80 
CAD CAD 7.05 
SGD SGD 6.00 
EUR EUR 6.75 
DKK DKK 7.50 
THB THB 11.00 
NZD NZD 8.00 
SEK SEK 5.40 
ZAR ZAR 15.55 
CNY CNY 5.60 
(Unit: annual interest rate %)